Cultivating our Vision… Exciting new steps for Wind Spirit

We are just out of of a ten day fast with an amazing group of people up here at Wind Spirit. It has been a wonderful wild ride with new experiences, new sensations and realisations for us all.
After the pre-retreat protocol that helps prepare the gut for the upcoming fast, they arrived at Wind Spirit with great enthusiasm (if not just a tad of trepidation), ready to dive into the wonders of water fasting.
All the participants had previously done a juice detox with us and all were so ready to take it to the next level of water fasting ... and they all did brilliantly!
It requires a certain mindset and the willingness to trust the body, listen to the body and honour the body with all the tools of support that are needed during this very special time.
In fact I would call it a sacred pilgrimage to the present moment. It certainly felt like that for me. It was one long moment in time that I couldn't escape from ... I could hardly distract myself from ... nor could I resist. So surrendering to the experience was really the only option for me. When I did there was no resistance and I was able to really enjoy the rest, and the solace of doing nothing much.
We were blessed with the warmth of sunny days and starry nights where everyone got healing doses of Vitamin D, pool time, infrared sauna sessions, massages, movies, moon bathing in the rock bath and all the other facilities of Wind Spirit.

A highlight of the fast was a dawn pilgrimage to The Pinnacle, a truly amazing rock formation overlooking the caldera, and the iconic Mount Warning. We perched on the edge of the viewing platform basking in the pristine pre-dawn light, witnessing the sun's first mystical rays bless our continent. It rose dramatically behind sacred Wollumbin (Mount Warning), and immersed us in blazing light. Experiencing this at the equinox was another level and heralds a fresh, vibrant path forward as we step into the light of spring and untold possibilities.
For our guests, who were all fasting, it was profound! A potent moment in time when their prayers have strong wings and can soar unhindered and free. I am so excited to witness their transformation as they continue, fully committed to their path of vibrant health and wholeness.

For David and I it has been a powerful acknowledgement that what we are doing up here at Wind Spirit has its own life force and grace. It is absolutely where we are meant to be.
And yes we will be incorporating a certain magical dawn excursion to all our retreats if requested:)
In addition to our Private Retreats and Juice Feasts, we are adding water fasts to our offerings. These will be a mix of juice and water over ten days and will be appropriate to everyones needs ie 3 days water/ 7 days juice, 5 days water/ 5 days juice, or 7 days water/ 3 days juice.
We are all living in a time of deep transformation where possibilities are available that we could only ever dream of. It is the time to take the plunge and dare ... to step into the unknown and follow your intuition without the fears of the mind sabotaging your dreams. They say when transformative energies are with us, as they certainly are now, it is the time to step out of the comfort zone. Otherwise you might be pushed out of the nest by the powerful energies that want you to let go, grow and evolve.

Feel the call
Experience the timeless tranquillity of the Wind Spirit Sanctuary, bathe in the beauty the pristine rainforest while the energy of the ancient caldera awakens your spirit