Is there time in your life for you?

One of the big learnings for me over the last little while is that it all starts right here with ourselves. It is pretty simple really... it's time to put yourself first!
- How can we possibly connect with another if we don't truly connect with ourselves?
- How can we care for another if we don't care for ourselves?
- How can we possibly live a fulfilled life when we abandon ourselves to get ahead?
- How can we authentically love another if we don't love ourselves?
It doesn't have to be complicated or expensive, just the willingness to bring your awareness to yourself and listen to the needs of your body ... and the call of your soul.

We have recently run a few private retreats where this theme has been paramount. Many of us have lived life in service of others ... the partner, the kids, the career, the societal expectations of how we 'should' show up. I was certainly caught up in this web as a single mum running my naturopathic and Journey business and paying a mortgage. There was never enough time to smell the roses, or so I told myself, and I was caught in the perpetual state of busyness that gripped me and kept me in that relentless loop.
As I look back there was very little self-care, and the old adage 'put your own seatbelt on first' didn't get a look in. This is such a common theme in life for many of us, as right from childhood we are taught to focus on our future achievements ... the studies, the relationship, the career, the financial stability, the family ...
Focusing internally rather than externally to what is 'really' going on connects us to our deeper yearnings and points us in the direction that fulfills the heart and soul.

Imagine living in a world that feels totally congruent to who you are. A world where you can show up open and free without having to hide yourself, deny yourself or ignore your needs. This is a world worth exploring.
It's not about gaining more tools or skills to get there. It is about shedding who you are not! its about reconnecting with the part of you that may have been shut down as a child, silenced, shamed or disallowed.
At our retreats at Wind Spirit we often call this part 'the wild indigenous one'. The one that is unashamedly open to life and free to be how he or she really chooses. It is so wonderful to see the veils come down in the safe cocoon of Wind Spirit where new neural pathways can be forged so you can start to live from the truth of who you really are.

Private Retreat at Wind Spirit
A retreat at Wind Spirit is NOT -
- a Yoga retreat ... though we do yoga movements and stretching the body to start each day.
- a meditation retreat ... but we incorporate deep meditations connecting with the spacious expanse of the land and the vast inner world of the self.
- a relaxation retreat ... but we have many moments. to relax and integrate around the magnesium pool, the Bali hut, the Forest Temple or the myriad of enticing spots that Wind Spirit offers.
- a foodie retreat ... though we offer sumptuous, organic home grown food from paddock to plate.
So what is a retreat at Wind Spirit?
- It is a unique experience that starts before you arrive. You will feel the pull even before you make the call.
- The retreat is woven to nurture and guide you through a deeply healing and transformative experience that is individually tailored to you.
- It is a deep dive into the timeless presence of the moment.
- An opportunity to clear old blocks and sabotaging beliefs.
- it is a unique cradle where the mind ceases its incessant chatter so you are able to really listen to your body and clearly sense the fresh, new path forward.

A day may begin with yoga and meditation followed by Journey work, Kahuna Massage or a dip in the warm magnesium pool.
The day may offer forest bathing in the sub-tropical rainforest, lunch in the Buddhas garden, quiet reflection in the Infinity bed, a meditative meander among hundreds of indigenous plants ... the choice is yours.
The evening may include a ceremonial Spiral Walk on the land under the stars, meditation in the Forest Temple, ceremonial fire, soaking in the warmth of our glorious outdoor stone bath or lying on the hill basking in the majesty of the night sky.
Nourishing organic food supports your body and being, as well as delicious locally roasted organic coffee, teas and treats.
Wind Spirit offers Private Retreats where you have the whole property to yourself, with David and I holding space for you to fully receive whatever your body, mind and spirit is needing. We also welcome couples, families or small groups of friends to deepen the connection or mark special life milestones in a meaningful way.
If you are wanting a shift in your life ... more clarity , peace or a new way forward ... contact me at:
We currently have one spot open for March.
Private work
with Sharon
Please contact me for any info or to book in for private sessions for yourself, your child or loved ones.
- Journey work
- Counselling
- Feminine presence work to deepen your physical and energetic attraction
Single sessions or Day Retreats are on offer ... in person at Wind Spirit or over zoom.

Wishing you much nurturing, nourishment and self-care as we weave our way through 2023.
Warmest wishes,
Feel the call
Experience the timeless tranquillity of the Wind Spirit Sanctuary, bathe in the beauty the pristine rainforest while the energy of the ancient caldera awakens your spirit