Seven years since the goats

This year feels like a wild roller coaster ride that has a life of its own.
Do you resonate with this?
The energies are powerful … the synchronicities are mind blowing, and they have taken David and I to places that we couldn’t even have imagined seven years ago when we were stopped by a herd of goats in front of a for sale sign in magical mountains near the Qld border.
Seven years ago I had no notion that we would be running retreats, let alone Juice Fasts and heaven forbid Water Fasts. I had no understanding of what they even were or their profoundly beneficial effect on health.

Wind Spirit has its own life force. I have no doubt about that!
From the moment we began our Journey here with the goats, we have been deeply guided. There have been no five year plans of where we wanted to be or the direction we wanted to go. Instead we listened to our intuition and when it felt right to say YES, we did. It threw us into crazy projects that have been exhausting and back breaking, such as removing the old hippy huts from the seventies full of asbestos and giant spiders, and replacing them with beautiful tropical gardens and magical secret enclaves.
We have worked hard … really hard! But as they say, it’s been a labour of love, and now we get to share this piece of paradise as a healing sanctuary where we offer our retreats.

I think the lesson of all of this is to follow your gut knowing, your intuition, your heart. In all my years walking this earth these last seven have had the most magical and effortless flow. I have no idea where we are heading with all this, and I am so happy to say that I have no need to know. There is a real freedom in trusting and allowing this magical flow to keep guiding us as we just hang out in the wonder of the present moment and follow the breadcrumbs of our lives.
If you would like to experience the wonder of Wind Spirit, join us for a Juice ‘Feast’ this spring. Or come up for a morning working bee and hang out with us in the afternoon for a yummy lunch, poolside fun and some Wind Spirit magic.
Feel the call
Experience the timeless tranquillity of the Wind Spirit Sanctuary, bathe in the beauty the pristine rainforest while the energy of the ancient caldera awakens your spirit